

Reaching more than 600 feet high, the Rhodes State Office Tower is the tallest building in Columbus, Ohio. 

Joliet Area Community Hospice is an inde­pen­dent, non-profit health­care orga­ni­za­tion providing serious illness care,…

A career in the trades is often over­looked, espe­cial­ly by women. 

Treasure Chest Foun­da­tion CEO and Founder Colleen Kisel said, We are extremely grateful to the Berglund Construction…

Berglund Con­struc­tion and Jour­ney­man Dis­tillery commenced con­struc­tion on the abandoned ANCO wind­shield wiper factory…

Berglund broke ground this past week on the new office space for the Elec­tri­cal Insurance Trustees Fund.

Berglund Con­struc­tion is excited and proud to be part of the DL3 Realty, Revere Prop­er­ties, Claretian Asso­ciates, and…

It is always an honor to restore one of our city’s most iconic buildings. Our restora­tion division worked alongside…