

Masonry Design features Berglund Con­struc­tions North­west­ern Uni­ver­si­ty 720 Uni­ver­si­ty Place Tuck-pointing Restoration…

Last Thursday, Berglund Con­struc­tion won an Award of Excel­lence at the Inter­na­tion­al Concrete Repair Institute’s Awards…

The American Board of Psy­chi­a­try and Neurology, Inc., (ABPN) held its official ground­break­ing on Monday, October 24.…

The first ever National Mascot Hall of Fame is coming to Whiting, Indiana! Currently, the National Mascot Hall of Fame…

Lean Design and Con­struc­tion is rapidly becoming the standard for project planning across the U.S. Lean con­struc­tion is…

Richard Edwards Ele­men­tary School is offi­cial­ly open! On students’ first day back from summer vacation, the school…

Berglund Con­struc­tion recently completed the build-out of the new labor and delivery floor at Comer Children’s Hospital…

Some of Berglund’s most expe­ri­enced craftsmen are restoring the historic façade at St. Luke Church in River Forest, IL.…