

Landmarks Illinois named Jack Tribbia, president of Berglund’s Restora­tion Division, to its list of 20 Landmarks…

We are excited to return to the Museum of Science and Industry this con­struc­tion season to begin the final phase of a…

Tile Magazine featured Berglund’s work at Ohio State Uni­ver­si­ty’s McCorkle Aquatic Pavilion. 

Berglund Con­struc­tion has completed a the ren­o­va­tion of a food service and dining area at a hospital in Tampa, Florida. 

Berglund is con­duct­ing a struc­tur­al inves­ti­ga­tion of the stairs at the Charnley Persky House, which was designed by…

Hansel Whiteurst has joined Berglund Con­struc­tion as Vice President of the Chicago Building Division.

This year, Berglund completed sig­nif­i­cant projects to upgrade the facil­i­ties at three different Chicago Public Schools.